Today Entertainment Industry is one of the fastest growing sectors in India. Thereby with a clear and a focussed target, 7 Horse Entertainment Pvt. Ltd was established to rejuvenate value chain in the Entertainment Industry. The company was founded by its Managing Director- Mr.Amit Dhupe. The company aims to create opportunities for upcoming talents. It’s already engaged in upcoming projects of experienced Film Makers.
In response to the changing preferences of the audiences, 7 Horse Entertainment Pvt. Ltd is indulged in a extensive sector of Producing Movies, Video Albums, web series production etc....We are proud to share our huge domain of expertise and future plans with you in a glance.

Our company is indulged in producing Bollywood and regional films. We focus on producing quality content for the masses that make our films stand out exceptionally, thus generating revenue for our company.

Along with film making, our company is also entangled into producing private Video Albums. We try to provide a sustainable platform to all the young and deserving talents through it and generate revenue for the company.

With the advent of time, web series has been an integral part of Entertainment industry. This section has gained tremendous momentum in last two years. It has become very popular amongst all the section of the society. Our company also produces and releases web series to generate revenue for the company.

Our Company is also indulged in Movie publicity and release of other film makers. Every year, many films are produced that are good at quality content but are not released due to budget constraints. Our company provides a platform to such talents by supporting and enabling their movie publicity and the release of the film in the theatres, and generate income for the company as well.

We are living in the era of OTT Mobile App. Now a day’s Mobile Apps are not just limited to games and play zone but also, web series and short films are just a click away from us. Many OTT mobile apps like Amazon, Netflix have grown up tremendously and this trend seems to be in boom for many more years to come. Our Company aims to launch our own Mobile App and release all the content produced, purchased and acquired by the company on this platform.
The company shall sell the subscription pack of this App to its users. Each subscription pack bought by the user of the App shall generate income for the company.

Shows and Music concerts are a new trend of our society. There are huge following of singers and music bands. Our company shall also organise and plan Events, shows & Concert and shall generate additional source of income for itself through Advertisements and the sponsors of the Event.

The company shall monetize all its content for display on all and every social media platform like YouTube, Face book, Instagram etc... It includes movie trailer and songs, short films, movie reviews and generate revenue for itself.

The company shall also sell its Music/Audio rights .so you can now hear our movie/ album songs in the form of ringtones also. It will also yield surplus income to the company.

The company aims to launch its Film Fare Magazine in the commencing year. The Magazine shall be published bi- annually (i.e., every 6 months). The magazine shall publish all the new trends, developments, achievement of the Industry through this Magazine. The company shall also generate added source of income through subscription of magazine.

Our company aims to open its wide chain of Movie Theatres like PVR , Cinemax etc. This shall be an added advantage in the revenue generation model of the Company.

Our company has a focussed vision for launching its own TV channel. This shall create a huge pool for generating revenue through advertisements.
Greetings from 7 Horse Entertainment Company!
A heartfelt Thanks for showing interest in us!
Our company is committed to ensure excellence in top class entertainment and our “skilful handling” makes us stand out of the crowd. We aspire to impart quality, creativity and a strong Infrastructure. Experience, professionalism, a thorough knowledge of our field and most of all- Reliability, is what we offer.
We are working desperately to improve ourselves to meet the need of the dynamic society. We are making excellent progress, but we have more to do-For we believe in creating a benchmark beyond Excellence! We believe in achieving highest standard of performance through total commitment and exceptional efforts.
We look forward to be one of the best Entertainment companies of the Industry.
Appreciating your efforts to explore us
Warm Regards,
Mr.Amit Dhupe.